By Turtle Little
Since when jeep as an vehicle has become so popular as an icon of strength, adventurous and definitely a life style? The information is now easy to get, just Google it and we will find out a full lists of history dated back during WWI and WWII.
Jeep has its own prestige when the same image is perceived in most of the places it presents. Simply put, it’s only an vehicle to carry first military missions then transform to civil use. However, behind the name there are great stories to tell especially with the Jeep vehicles which are part of the history.
Came with the American troop during the war, the vehicle was considered the king of the battlefield when carried soldiers, wounded men and many supplies for the war, on almost every terrains. The popular scene of the time was the Jeep drove as it’s maximum speed shuttled between cities, battlefields, hospitals, jungles, crossed streams and rivers and of course with gunmen on them.
Perhaps, if put aside the ugly war scene, the vehicle itself is a perfect imagination of what adventure lovers look for with great characters (just like what people would like others to perceive when drive it): casual, down to earth, adventurous, fear no danger or difficulties, courage and open minded.
Finished the war, left by the American troops, Jeep stayed in the country, mainly Southern Vietnam & neighboring country of Cambodia. They were used for endless list of civil missions: as a local bus to carry people, sometime animals from cities to cities (often seen full load of people inside and bulky bags behind), to carry woods in the jungles together with the elephants, buffalos sometimes (thanks for its 4WD), police and firemen patrol vehicles and of course as a part of the history, in the museum (still seen the one in the Independent Palace in Saigon which is the witness of a General capture)
Years after the opening up of the country, the new model of cars started to come into view and Jeep was eventually ended its missions both military and civil tasks. At peak time this is quite a good source of craps to reproduce steel, a Jeep with its original engine could weight hundreds of kilograms of steels – a considerable amount at the time for a humble living standard. Most of the vehicles slowly disappeared and seen only driven by some police department who are waiting to change new patrol cars.
However, as said, Jeep with its beauty never dies (but some over thirty-year-old engines sometimes yes.), when the image of Jeep as a lifestyle once again appreciated by its lovers of all ages, genders and occupations. Seen again on street of Saigon, Danang, Hanoi, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap Angkor Wat the restored military Jeep carrying foreign travelers from all over the world. What a Jeep trip stands for? May be fun drive, or a little unconventional experience or the feeling of freedom again who many people has forgot? Perhaps there is not only one answer. We feel it and just is enough!
And if somewhere when you happen to read this article you might consider such an experience in Saigon or Sieam Reap – Angkor Wat and need to contact the people who share the same passion. They may be helpful then.
Vietnam Jeep Tours
Ph: (84 8) 6290 6577
Direct: (84) 909 602 370
P/S: Did I mention above that I just finished a trip in Siem Reap, Angkor Wat December last year on a military Jeep M151 A2 drove on the mud roads in the middle of the ancient jungle? Awesome!
Saigon, Jan 2011